
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Rainbow Veggie Salad with Orange Vinaigrette

From rainbow salad
My 5-year old daughter visited an urban farm a few months ago. While there she tasted some new (to her) veggies including kale and beets (which I'm also sure she would have hated if I put them in front of her :) Since then she has, off and on, mentioned this visit and her experience. When I suggested that we makeup a recipe with  the vegetables she tasted she jumped on the idea.

So this weekend we went to the market where she hand picked kale, beets, carrots and broccoli. She decided on a salad because she prefers most veggies raw (except the broccoli which she insisted on steaming). The many colours of the combined veggies reminded her of a rainbow so she named it "Rainbow Salad".

She also isn't a big fan of dressings as she doesn't like anything too tart thus the rather large amount of sweet orange juice. It was delicious!

  • 1 cup chopped kale
  • 3 medium shredded raw beets
  • 4 large shredded carrots
  • 1 cup broccoli - slightly steamed
  • 1 diced avocado

  • 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup orange juice
  • 1/8 cup white wine vinegar
  • kosher salt
  • pepper

What to do:
Toss vegetables in mixing large bowl.
Combine dressing ingredients. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Lightly mix veggies with dressing. Plate and serve!

Although this is a great salad the moment you make it, I thought it was even better the next day as the veggies had a better opportunity to marinate in with the dressing.


  1. Sounds great for grown-ups too. Will your 5-year old stage an intervention with my 6 and 9-year olds to get them to try this? It's my only hope.

  2. That is one beautiful salad -- I like the idea of grating the beets.

  3. It looks as though she did a great job! How fun that she is so interested in these new veggies.

  4. What a beautiful salad! Great team work with your daughter.
